The Connecticut Genealogy Index

A free searchable database containing
576,638 births, 2,180,700 marriages, 2,086 civil unions, and 2,772,116 deaths

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  • A new project from
  • using data from
  • obtained through the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act

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Given Name Surname Suffix Date of Record Town or City County (inferred)

NOTES: Birth data is currently only available from July 1, 1897 to December 31, 1917. County names were not present in the original data set, and were automatically added here based on the town or city's modern geographic assignation; however, a few counties' borders may have changed slightly over the years, and might differ from the original record.

How to order a vital record from Connecticut

Now that you've found someone listed in the Connecticut Genealogy Index, here's how you can order a copy of the actual record.

From 1639 to the present, Connecticut’s towns have recorded vital statistics at the town level. Copies have been sent to the state since July 1, 1897. Law sets the cost of certificates at $20 for births, marriages, and deaths, although the state Department of Public Health requires $30 for birth or stillbirth certificates. VitalChek also uses this higher-cost birth certificate fee and then adds on more fees.

Order from the Locality

"Wallet Size" Long Form Faster Money Order

Ordering vital records directly from a locality (town or city) is usually a faster way to get a record than by going to the state, but it does require you to already know which locality holds the record you want.

Vital records certificates can be ordered from the local town clerk or city bureau of vital statistics. Many towns offer online ordering through their department websites. Use the online State Register and Manual’s town and cities section to find contact information for the town or city in which the event is registered. The state Department of Vital Statistics also has a list of town clerks but that list does not include website information.

Use town websites to find complete ordering information. Drill down on the website to the town clerk and then to vital records for more information about how to order them. In cities, drill down to the bureau of vital statistics.

If ordering a record directly from a Connecticut locality, you will need to get a money order made out to the town or city. Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted.

Order from the State

"Wallet Size" Long Form Slower Money Order

Certified copies of vital record certificates can also be ordered directly from the Connecticut Department of Vital Statistics in Hartford, Connecticut. They accept mailed-in applications (with proper notarized statement), or you can call them to make an in-person appointment.

You will need to fill out a form and provide a copy of your government ID and money order. For access to births that took place less than one hundred years ago, you will need to provide either proof of relationship or your membership card in a genealogy organization authorized to do business in Connecticut.

Read the Connecticut Department of Vital Statistics website for full information about how to place an order with them.

If ordering a record directly from the state, you will need to get a money order made out to "Treasurer, State of Connecticut". Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted.

Order from VitalChek

Long Form Fastest Credit Card Expensive

You can also order a copy of a Connecticut vital records certificate from the VitalChek website, which is a nationwide commercial website run by Lexis-Nexis, or by calling them to place an order over the phone. They even offer the option of overnight shipping. However, VitalChek adds on a substantial shipping and processing fee to all vital records orders, not just the overnighted ones. And after placing your order, you may still need to fax them your "tangible interest document" or notarized statement before they will process your order. They are a third-party commercial vendor, not a state or local government agency.

If you are ordering a record from VitalCheck, whether online or over the phone, only credit cards are accepted.

Note that Connecticut "wallet size" (short form) birth records and Connecticut civil union records are not offered through VitalChek's website.

VitalChek also does not have a method to allow members of genealogy organizations authorized to do business in Connecticut to have access to birth records less than one hundred years old, so if this is the legal method by which you are trying to gain access to a more recent birth record, you should apply for the record through the state or locality instead.

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